Thursday, June 15, 2017

32 weeks

How far along? Actually I'm typing this at 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 16 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I can't remember when I didn't wear them. 
Best moment of this week: Finding a solution to a myriad of issues.
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night, but I'll be missing that for the next two years at least.    
Movement: All.the.time.  At our last sono he was frank breach, but then switched to straight breach and began to dance on my cervix and kick out during the sonogram.  This may be a bad sign for what's to come...can you say active much?!  The doctor said today that he would wait until I was full-term to see if he turns on his own and if not, C-section it is! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Doing pretty good lately
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Braxton hicks at the end of the day like woah, especially if I've been on my feet a ton.  
Belly button in or out? Same as last time- it's a goner.

Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but stressed.  These past two weeks have been rough.  We've been on an emotional roller coaster trying to iron out the kinks surrounding our living situation, jobs, money- basically life, but praise the Lord, He always comes through for us and this time is no different.  I also went in today for a check-up and after having a late sonogram a couple weeks ago, my doctor informed me today that the baby has a two ventricle cord as opposed to the typical three.  He said that it's pretty rare in that only 1% of pregnancies have it, but that it seldom causes issues with the pregnancy and as long as the baby is growing (which he is),  and that the only thing to do is to monitor the baby once he's born for vascular and/or urinary tract issues.  I don't feel overly concerned because the sonogram tech. checked his kidneys and said they looked great and apparently the kidneys and umbilical cord are developed right around the same time, so sometimes there are issues.
sucking his thumb
Looking forward to: Honestly, the fourth of July and fireworks and BBQs and making another memory just the three of us.  I keep telling myself to mentally take this in, this time we have as just the three of us because it seems so fleeting.  This pregnancy flew by, as opposed to the first time around, and now that I'm staring down the last 6 weeks, I'm not fully prepared for what the next phase of life will bring or how much it'll change everything.  Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to this little baby and his baby smells and coo's and adding to our little family, but I'm also going to miss the simplicity of just us.  We've had it this way for four years, we've had time to adjust, get out of diapers and begin school and now we're venturing out into newborn territory again.  I'm elated and terrified all at the same time; it's a weird dichotomy. 

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