Wednesday, April 17, 2013

36 Weeks...We're in "Go" Mode!!

How far along? 36 weeks exactly
Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs...still averaging a lb. per if my math is right, we’re looking at a total of 30 lbs. give or take a few DQ blizzards ;)
Maternity Clothes: Really I’m at the point where I don’t even want to put on clothes in the morning.  The other day I was retrieving a pair of pants from the dryer and I thought to myself, how bad would it really be if I just didn’t wear pants- pantsless is much more comfortable!  Alas, I stuffed myself like a sausage into those suckers and went about my business...
Stretch Marks: I’m convinced that my pasty white skin is hiding all of these tiny little stretch marks and one day, a long time from now, when I’m donning a  bathing suit and get some sun, I’ll look like I have a million little white worms all over my belly.  Really- this is the stuff of nightmares people!
Sleep: I’m trying to savor my last bit of what I know will be a good night sleep...
Best moment of this week: Getting a much needed pedicure and buying a carseat :)
Miss Anything? Honestly, I would love to be able to eat something, anything without having to think about the fact that it’ll be no doubt revisiting me for the rest of the day.  Also, I’d like to be able to breathe like a normal person- too much to ask for???
Movement: There is very little room in there for this kid to move much anymore and now its stretching sessions are a bit more painful as I can feel my cervix giving way!  
Food Craving: Pizza and chocolate milk...mmmmm, also DQ ice cream at any point during the day!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Eh, not really.  Just not really wanting to eat anything in general knowing that I’ll be soon downing a bottle of Maalox. 
Gender Prediction: Who knows?  The Asian ladies at the pedicure place swear it’s a girl, but mostly everyone else says boy.  We shall see- hopefully sooner rather than later :)
Labor Signs: Hello braxton hicks!!  At least one or two every hour, sometimes more.  This kid is also dropping for sure and I’m beginning to feel like I have a bowling ball in between my legs, but I’m not waddling yet; still holding strong.  
Symptoms: Aside from the ankles that at the end of the day look like an 80 year old women’s and the braxton hicks, and the head dropping lower and lower, doing pretty good. 
Belly button in or out? Funny you should ask- it’s stretched like a pancake and won’t expand anymore.  It’s like it put its foot down and said, “That’s it, I’m not being pushed anymore.”  So now the super weird thing that’s developed is that my stomach has started to expand around it, so I’m forming a pseudo butt-like belly.  Good thing none of you have to see me naked, believe you me, it’s a sight you would not soon forget...sometimes I have nightmares ;)
Wedding rings on or off? We’re down to just the engagement ring, which apparently is a half size larger than my band, b/c the band is a no go.  This warm weather might take the engagement ring too in a weeks time; there’s no telling. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  Excited!  Overwhelmed!  Anxious!  Really bottle up every hormone raged emotion and I’m feeling it all at the same time!
Looking forward to: Getting a new car to put our new car seat in!   Visiting the in-laws in Shreveport and chowing down on a couple lbs. of delicious Louisiana crawfish!  Packing for the hospital-gasp and organizing the poo out of this house before the little bean gets here.  Lastly, nearing the end of school to begin the summer- even if I won’t be going near a bathing suit for at least another year or so.  It’s the summer!!!