Thursday, September 19, 2013

Finally after 4 months...

Well folks after all this time I think I'm finally settled enough to start giving you all some updates on the Grenier household!!!  About time eh?  Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start.  If I recall correctly I left you all hanging with baited breath regarding the growing child in my womb.  Let me assure you, SHE is no longer in there and is a healthy, quite chunky and squishy 4 month old!  Which leads me to the birth story so here goes.

INDUCTION!  What I thought was a nasty word, turned out to be much better than anticipated.  There I was at 41 and 1 weeks of gestation all itchy and plump ready to get this kid out any way shape or form!  My wonderful Dr. had me scheduled for an induction where I would come in at 10pm and they would insert this little tiny pill to sit on my cervix and dilate me in hopes of kicking me into active labor.  It was Wednesday May 22nd at 9:30pm when I got the call.  Apparently God had orchestrated a natural disaster with several tornadoes touching down in various states around us which in turn, caused the barrometric pressure to drop, which caused every pregnant woman in the DFW metroplex to go into labor, which caused me to get booted from my scheduled induction.  The lovely nurse on the phone informed me that there were three women in labor in one room; I would happily stay home and wait out "the storm."  I was instructed not to eat anything and told that I would have a baby within the next day once they cleared out the deluge of patients.  So just in case your math is as good as mine, that would mean almost a full 24 hours of nothing to eat...right...who were they kidding?!  So I politely assured her that I wouldn't eat and would wait for their call the next day.  By noon the next day we did not have said phone call, so Paul and I promptly decided to go out for sushi, well he had sushi; I had some california rolls and tempura.  In the middle of our succulent lunch, we got the call.  Could we be there in a half hour they said; sure we said :)  We rushed home, gathered our accouterments and headed out.  All of the cavalry was called in as this was, in fact, happening.  It was a strange feeling to arrive at the hospital NOT in labor, check in with the receptionist and play solitaire on my phone next to the nursery of screaming babies as I waited for my room.  I looked at Paul and said, "This is the last time we'll walk in any place just the two of us."  Mind blown I started to perspire- who was I kidding- I was going to birth a baby,OMG!  I waddled back to the room and changed into my lovely hospital garb and the waiting game began.  The nurse asked me my birthing preferences and Paul and I told her that we were planning to do this thing naturally.  She looked at us like we had 10 heads and said, "Ok."  Fortunately she was about to go home for the night.  The aforementioned pill was inserted at 6ish after what seemed like every nurse in the hospital came in to check me for progress.  My Dr. then peeked his head in to say that he wanted me to take some Ambien as this would probably be the last night in a long time that I would get a full nights sleep (in actuality it was the night before and had I known, I would've commemorated that sleep with some sort of significance- I digress).  So I took the Ambien and prepared to drift off.  Not two hours later my nurse, the one that would see me through this ordeal, who just happened to look like my bestie Colleen, came in to introduce herself and insert another pill.  She was on board with my pain preference and said she wouldn't mention it unless I brought it up myself~score one for us!  A couple hours later I was awakened by some cramping and got up to pee when whoosh, there went my water.  Paul came over and the fun began.  We started a rhythm; he would breathe in deeply and I would mimic his breathing.  We got through every contraction that way.  It was around 2 am at this point and the nurse came in and told Paul (I don't remember any of this conversation) that my contractions were coming too fast and she was going to have to give me some fluids to slow them down while she called me Dr.  I think I was around 8 cm dilated fully effaced, but this kid was still pretty high, so my nurse asked me if she could maneuver me into some rather uncomfortable positions.  She also asked me what my pain level was and I think I thought I was at a 5 or 6.  The next hour or two were some of the most painful of my life but I felt like I was progressing and I was able to breathe through them, so onward we went.  At some point my breathing changed into some medieval sounding grunt and I knew it was time to push.  At this point I almost lost my cool, but as long as I was locked eyes on Paul I was alright.  I remember asking my sweet nurse when my Dr. was going to make his appearance because it was time to get this kid out!!!  As soon as he walked through the door, Paul informed me that I said, although I don't remember this, "Took you long enough Weinstein!"  Hilarious!  Since I wasn't medicated I could feel him telling me where to push and 45 minutes later he held up this giant child and all I could see was her vagina!!!  It was a girl- a girl!!! I was for sure it was a boy!  I kept on saying over and over again, "It's a girl!"  She also looked exactly like my little brother :)  It was a moment to cherish.  Meanwhile, I was bleeding out like a stuck pig.  I didn't realize that this was happening, but needless to say I was being poked with every blood-stopping medication known to man. The absolute worst pain out of the entire experience was when my Dr. shoved his whole hand into my uterus and began massaging it from the inside and the outside with his other hand.  I was writhing in pain at that time and really would have preferred him to stop, but I also wasn't relishing a blood transfusion, so there ya go.  This little angel weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and measured 21 inches long; she was born at 5:34 am. roughly 6 hours after I went into active labor.  Let me take a moment to comment that I drank my weight in red raspberry leaf tea in the months leading up to her birth and I think it did wonders for my speedy delivery.  I'm banking on the next one walking out in under 3 :)  

Labor and delivery were an absolute joy and I say that with all sincerity!  It was a bonding experience with Paul that took our relationship to the next level and I felt that I had accomplished something that women had been doing for millions of years!  What a rush!  I would do it again in a heartbeat!  What I wasn't prepared for were the next 6 weeks, but that's another story for another post.  I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of our sweet chunky monkey!  


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

39 Weeks and Still Preggo...

How far along? pic was taken at 39 weeks 3 days, but I’m typing to you all at 39 weeks 6 days and let me tell you, I think I’ve gotten bigger!
Total Weight Gain: 31 lbs...passed the 30 lb. mark- get this kid outta me!
Maternity Clothes: Are there any other kinds of clothing- I swear if I see one more pair of pants with a stretchy top or maternity tops that no longer fit this belly of mine- I’ll go stark raving mad!!!  
Stretch Marks: We are a full go on the stretch marks and I’m itching like a mad women- it feels like poison ivy all over my belly and no amount of lotion or oil or cortizone will curb this itch!  I’m stretched to maximum capacity people and it’s not fun!
Sleep: Oddly enough, I’m still sleeping pretty well, but I guess that’s only if you call pretty well waking up every 1-2 hours to pee.  The other night I almost clocked Paul in the jaw because I was dreaming that my ob was going to check me and I didn’t want to be checked, I just wanted to be left alone.  Turns out, I was having a contraction and had to pee at that very moment; not a pretty combo.  
Best moment of this week: My mom flew in to be with me at the delivery and to help out afterwards; it’s been wonderful to have her here and my house has not been more organized and clean maybe ever!  Also, I stopped working yesterday and my feet and back have been eternally grateful!  
Miss Anything? Fitting into any type of clothing that doesn’t resemble a moomoo and being able to breathe.
Movement: At night about the only thing this kid has room to do anymore is run its little hand up and down my belly.  I can also feel the outline of it’s footprint which is adorable and alien-like all at the same time.
Food Craving: Back to fruit again, for morning, noon or at night- it just tastes so good!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I’ve had bouts of nausea lately, but I think that’s because I’m so huge.  The silver lining is that this kid has dropped significantly and I can now eat something without having to tote my maalox around with me.
Gender Prediction: Only now, when I can see the light at the end of the tunnel do I have a strong, strong need to find out.  The dr. has had two impromptu sonograms the past two times I’ve visited b/c he’s said this kid’s butt feels very similar to a head and he wants to make sure the head is down.  I’ve been extremely tempted to say, “Aww, hell, what is it, boy or girl?”  But seeing Paul’s face and knowing that we’ve held out as long as we have- I feel that it would be very anti-climactic to find out that way now.  
Labor Signs: 1-2 cm dilated and 20% effaced and my dr. can feel the head, but my cervix is still set pretty far back, so it looks like my due date (tomorrow) might come and go...
Symptoms: Feels like I’m having nasty menstral cramps whenever I walk consistently and I’m contracting pretty frequently, but nothing regular and as soon as I stop walking or moving around everything stops.
Belly button in or out? For the sake of my cousin, we shall not address the belly button situation this week.  Be assured that it’s not a pretty sight.
Wedding rings on or off? Off officially, the only ring that fits me now is this band I usually wear on my right hand.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Honestly, I feel like this kid will perpetually stay in there.  I can’t even fathom what it will be like to hold this child for the first time and my brain is kind of on “shut down” mode.  It’s kind of like the twilight zone everyday now.  All of this baby stuff is surrounding me and I’m not really sure what it’s doing in my house.  Sounds very close to denial eh?
Looking forward to: Do I even need to tell you all?  Obviously, I’m looking forward to getting this kid out and seeing what it looks like, if it’s a boy or a girl, but mostly I’m looking forward to this pregnancy part being over.  40 weeks is enough don’t you think?  Hopefully there will be no 41 update for you all, just pics of this kid!  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

36 Weeks...We're in "Go" Mode!!

How far along? 36 weeks exactly
Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs...still averaging a lb. per if my math is right, we’re looking at a total of 30 lbs. give or take a few DQ blizzards ;)
Maternity Clothes: Really I’m at the point where I don’t even want to put on clothes in the morning.  The other day I was retrieving a pair of pants from the dryer and I thought to myself, how bad would it really be if I just didn’t wear pants- pantsless is much more comfortable!  Alas, I stuffed myself like a sausage into those suckers and went about my business...
Stretch Marks: I’m convinced that my pasty white skin is hiding all of these tiny little stretch marks and one day, a long time from now, when I’m donning a  bathing suit and get some sun, I’ll look like I have a million little white worms all over my belly.  Really- this is the stuff of nightmares people!
Sleep: I’m trying to savor my last bit of what I know will be a good night sleep...
Best moment of this week: Getting a much needed pedicure and buying a carseat :)
Miss Anything? Honestly, I would love to be able to eat something, anything without having to think about the fact that it’ll be no doubt revisiting me for the rest of the day.  Also, I’d like to be able to breathe like a normal person- too much to ask for???
Movement: There is very little room in there for this kid to move much anymore and now its stretching sessions are a bit more painful as I can feel my cervix giving way!  
Food Craving: Pizza and chocolate milk...mmmmm, also DQ ice cream at any point during the day!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Eh, not really.  Just not really wanting to eat anything in general knowing that I’ll be soon downing a bottle of Maalox. 
Gender Prediction: Who knows?  The Asian ladies at the pedicure place swear it’s a girl, but mostly everyone else says boy.  We shall see- hopefully sooner rather than later :)
Labor Signs: Hello braxton hicks!!  At least one or two every hour, sometimes more.  This kid is also dropping for sure and I’m beginning to feel like I have a bowling ball in between my legs, but I’m not waddling yet; still holding strong.  
Symptoms: Aside from the ankles that at the end of the day look like an 80 year old women’s and the braxton hicks, and the head dropping lower and lower, doing pretty good. 
Belly button in or out? Funny you should ask- it’s stretched like a pancake and won’t expand anymore.  It’s like it put its foot down and said, “That’s it, I’m not being pushed anymore.”  So now the super weird thing that’s developed is that my stomach has started to expand around it, so I’m forming a pseudo butt-like belly.  Good thing none of you have to see me naked, believe you me, it’s a sight you would not soon forget...sometimes I have nightmares ;)
Wedding rings on or off? We’re down to just the engagement ring, which apparently is a half size larger than my band, b/c the band is a no go.  This warm weather might take the engagement ring too in a weeks time; there’s no telling. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  Excited!  Overwhelmed!  Anxious!  Really bottle up every hormone raged emotion and I’m feeling it all at the same time!
Looking forward to: Getting a new car to put our new car seat in!   Visiting the in-laws in Shreveport and chowing down on a couple lbs. of delicious Louisiana crawfish!  Packing for the hospital-gasp and organizing the poo out of this house before the little bean gets here.  Lastly, nearing the end of school to begin the summer- even if I won’t be going near a bathing suit for at least another year or so.  It’s the summer!!! 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

33 Weeks and The End Is In Sight

How far along? 33 Weeks 4 days
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs...depressing...think I’m going to miss my goal of containing it to 30; my doctor is not going to be pleased :(
Maternity Clothes: Yes and even those are starting to feel snug.
Stretch Marks: I think I may have my first stretch mark people.  I lotioned an oiled my little heart out, but frankly there just isn’t anymore skin left to stretch.  I’m genuinely concerned about how I’m supposed to go another 7 weeks!
Sleep: Eh, it’s touch and go.  Could I sleep all day, yes.  Would I be able to move afterwards, debatable.  I’ve gotten many a charlie horse in the middle of the night lately and I’ve practiced breathing through that, so bring on the contractions (HA!  Who am I kidding!?)
Best moment of this week: My parents coming to visit!!!  It was so nice to have them there and take them around to go look at baby stuff.  I think my dad was done within a day or two, but my mom was insatiable and it was fun to see them morph into grandparents before my eyes!  Also, of course, my family and close friends shower!  It was so overwhelming to have so many people that love you and want the best for you pour over you and your soon-to-be baby.  I am more grateful than words can express.
Miss Anything? This week I could really go for a nice plate of sushi followed by a turkey sandwich that doesn’t have to be heated into oblivion polished off with a large mixed drink or a nice glass, err, bottle of proseco.
Movement: Hehe yes, and it is my favorite pastime to sit and watch it do its gymnastics inside my belly.  This little one will go from one side to the other and back again until it finds its comfy spot.  It also has this weird habit of pushing out on either side of my belly button with its back or butt until it gets comfy, so funny.  Also, I’m averaging about 2-3 episodes of hiccups per day!  Craziness!
Food Craving: Still pizza, cold or hot.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Feeling better these days; it seems the bouts of queasiness have passed for now.  I have been getting dizzy on occasion, but I think that’s just because I move too fast.  Eggs are still unappetizing, but other than that, nada.
Gender Prediction: Maybe girl this week.  My friends last night did the necklace over the belly trick and both guys that did it got a girl prediction, my girlfriend however, go a boy prediction.  Shrug.
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks some.
Symptoms: Starting to feel like the quintessential pregnant woman who is constantly walking around with her hand on her back.  I used to stare and sneer and think to myself, that will never be me.  Karma eh?  By 7th period during the day, I’m wheeling myself around in a rolling chair and teaching from that seat; only the bottom half of the board gets written on HA!
Belly button in or out? Ok, so here’s the weird part about this one in particular.  Some days it’s flat like a pancake and others it’s kinda poking its little head out, but just a bit.  I thought for sure that you’d be able to see it through my shirts, but it changes.  I feel alien like in all senses of the imagination at this point.  
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I don’t see that remaining that way too long, especially since it’s getting warmer here.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and ready to start this journey.  I’m getting to the point in this pregnancy where I’m wanting it to be out rather than in.  
Looking forward to: Nearing the end of the road.  I know I have a full month and some to go yet, but I’m starting to get excited and anxious to see what this kid looks like, whether it’s a he or a she and beginning a new chapter in my life.  I can tangibly feel the changes surrounding me and as each day passes, I’m embracing that more. 

Thought I'd leave you all with some pics of the family at the most delicious restaurant EVER!!! The boiling crab!!!  Only a measly hour wait this time in the freezing cold...totally worth it!

And the dog of course...a picture is worth a thousand words eh?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

31 Weeks and Ready to be Done!!!

How far along? 31 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yea!  Not even attempting regular pants now!
Stretch Marks: None so far!
Sleep: One word: relaxin!  I cannot sleep for more than a couple of hours without waking up to either 1. pee or 2. change positions because my entire body aches from staying in one position too long!  
Best moment of this week: Spring Break!  Getting some items on my very long to do list crossed off.  Finished everything I can finish in the nursery until the shower!  Also having some time off to just relax; I could def. use at least another week or so, but beggars can’t be choosers eh?
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night would be my number one item on that list followed closely by a general feeling of “betterness.”  (not a word, I know) i.e. no nausea, dizziness, upset stomach, utter exhaustion, etc. 
Movement: Yep; still moving a ton.  In fact, now if he/she isn’t pushing down on my cervix or moving from side to side across my belly, I’m wondering what’s up!
Food Craving: These past couple of weeks, pizza!!!    
Anything making you queasy or sick? Really the question should be what’s not making me queasy- strike that- feeling slightly dramatic.  This morning I had some delicious pancakes with pineapple on top and I loved every bite, until I finished everything on my plate and proceeded to run to the bathroom to upchuck everything!  Needless to say, I held down my cookies and my dear friend nausea from the first trimester and I had a knock down, drag out fight for the remainder of the day.  I think it’s winning, but they jury is still out!
Gender Prediction: I have no idea at this point!  As long as they don’t scream out, “We have a litter of kittens!” I’ll be happy.  
Labor Signs: Oh yea, regular braxton hicks and there are moments when I just chillin, eating some pizza or something and bam...this little one sticks his/her head down on my cervix so hard I think I’m either going to pee or have a baby...under pressure!!!  
Symptoms: I feel like an advertisement for pepto- nausea, upset stomach, dizzy and sometimes on a really fun occasion, I break out in what I’m assuming must be known as a hot flash!  Thank you mother nature!
Belly button in or out? I’m excited to announce that we have reached the “out” phase.  I know my cousin must be cringing with nausea herself when she reads this!  (hehe)
Wedding rings on or off? On and honestly, I haven’t been that swollen either!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy mostly, sometimes I have a freak out moment.  It goes something like this: folding baby clothes giddy with their cuteness when out of the blue slowly my brain turns on itself and says, “Lauren, you must raise this child to be a stand up member of society,” and I pretty much drop the clothes and back slowly away, control my breathing and go watch E! news until it is passed.  I’m noticing those moments are becoming closer together much like contractions ha!
Looking forward to: Passed my GTT test btw!  Yea!  The shower!!!  My parents are coming in this next week for the shower and I can’t wait to see them and show them my large “frame” shall we say hehe.  I haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving when I was around 16 weeks, so I’ve changed in stature quite a bit!  It’s always good to have your parents around you to put you at ease; these people did it, I turned out alright, how hard can it be? right?! right?! anyone?!  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

28 weeks...12 to go!

How far along? 28 weeks 5 days
Total Weight Gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yep!  Just got some new pants as I’m alternating between three pairs, but I am done buying anything new with exception of maybe a shower dress!  Only 12 more weeks to go...I can hardly believe it!
Stretch Marks: Nope; still going strong and lubing up with my lotioning and oiling!
Sleep: Ugh, not well!  I think the dreaded third trimester sleep deprivation has started. The crazy dreams have ensued, but that’s to be expected eh?
Best moment of this week: Honestly, not a ton of great moments this week.  Slightly stressed, but realizing that I’m stressed, I of course try to turn off my brain and de-stress only leading me down the black hole further!  Damn my analytical, psycho-analytic OCD tendencies!  Oh, well- spring break is right around the corner!
Miss Anything? Honestly, this week and last week I really could’ve used a glass (or bottle) of wine to calm my frayed nerves, alas, I’ve resorted to raspberry leaf tea.  Not the same-AT ALL!
Movement: Oh yea, a ton!  This kid is definitely on a cycle- sleeps most of the day and is awake for food.  He/she can also do a gnarly round house kick to my rib cage!
Food Craving: Eh, I’m for the most part back to my old self with a slight affinity for sweets still.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Pretty much everything, including water gives me indigestion.  Or as Juno would say “If it makes you feel any better, I have heartburn radiating from my knee caps.” True story, little lady, true story.
Gender Prediction: Boy
Labor Signs: None lately.  
Symptoms: Nope!
Belly button in or out? In- still hanging on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Overwhelmed...
Looking forward to: Getting my GTT (gestational tolerance test) results back, selling our house, finding a permanent home for the dog, finishing the floors, fixing the door, finishing the nursery, having all boxes packed, moving half-way across the country, finishing this school year out, having the baby shower, birthing this baby.  All of the above are in random order of course.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

26 Weeks and Nearing the End of "Honeymoon" Period...

How far along? 26 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!  I had a slight melt down this past week in regards to my principal’s email addressing leggings!  I wear leggings like they’re the only thing I own and while I wear shirts that for sure cover my booty, they aren’t always finger tip length I guess.  It’s hard to find shirts that cover my belly and hit me mid-thigh.  I had a slight hormonal “ball my eyes out” when I read that email.  Oh well...I digress...
Stretch Marks: Nope and I’m super pumped that we’ve come this far with out any permanent marks; emotional marks- that’s another topic entirely!
Sleep: Pretty good!  I hear that the dreaded 3rd trimester really prepares you for your soon-to-arrive sleep deprivation weeks; not looking forward to that!  I did have a very vivid dream last night that I received my baby “stork style” all dressed in pink and then as an afterthought, waiting for my friends and family to arrive, I made sure it was in fact a girl and was met with a little penis!  I quickly changed my baby from pink to blue!  I had a feeling of giddiness and was overjoyed that it was a boy, but I thought it was interesting that I thought it was a girl and had to check!
Best moment of this week: Putting together the nursery!  Despite the fact that we will more than likely have to disassemble that nursery approximately 4-6 weeks after birth, Paul and I have had a wonderful bonding time together and we’ve made memories that we will forever remember!  Putting together our first nursery in our first house!  I remember when we were looking at buying this house and I was praying over this decision that I distinctly remember hearing that we would have our first child in this house and even though we’ll be vacating soon afterwards, that dream will be fulfilled and it’s very fulfilling knowing it’s fulfilled ;) 
Miss Anything? Not having any major aches and pains and sleeping on my belly!  Gosh I missing sleeping on my stomach or doing anything on my stomach!  
Movement: Yep- still kicking away!  Sometimes I visualize the little bugger doing flips and turns in there all warm and gooey like.
Food Craving: Honestly, I feel like my taste buds might be changing it up on me.  I still eat sweet things in the morning, but other than that, I find it’s pretty much back to how things used to be before I had a kid in there.  Of course, without the sushi and wine and tuna, so maybe just sub-par for my palate prior to pregnancy (hello alliteration!)
Anything making you queasy or sick? I still have no desire to eat eggs and I was a huge proponent of peanut butter for a second there and would’ve slathered it on anything, but it’s taken to giving me quite the bout of heartburn as of late, so needless to say, I’ve been sans peanut butter. :(
Gender Prediction: Who knows- according to my weird dreams my subconscious thinks that for sure it’s a girl, but it will in fact, actually be a boy?!
Labor Signs: Some braxton hicks this past week.  I was sitting at my desk and concentrating thoroughly on the IEP to be written before me when out of the blue (clearly I wasn’t thinking clearly) I thought...I’m for sure going to get my period cramps, and then it hit me- that’s not possible Lauren; you’re having braxton hicks!
Symptoms: Nope!
Belly button in or out? In- still hanging on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  I can’t believe we are 2/3rds of the way through!  I’m sad that it’s almost over and thinking that there’s only 13 1/2 weeks left puts me into a tailspin!  AHHH! There’s so much to be done and I’m not near ready, but who am I kidding, no one is really ready eh?
Looking forward to: I’m getting excited about touring the hospital and I’m really excited about my family coming in!  I haven’t seen the parents since before Thanksgiving, so it’s been a long time coming!  I’m also really looking forward to having a baby shower and seeing what my beautiful sister-in-laws come up with (they’re always super creative)!!!  

NOW FOR SOME NURSERY UPDATES!  **Big thanks to my wonderful husband for staining the changing table and helping out with the daunting task of putting up the tree.**

Sunday, January 27, 2013

24 Weeks!!

How far along? 24 weeks 4 days
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yep and loving it!  Leggings have become my new best friend and if I could, I would wear them everyday!  
Stretch Marks: Not yet, however when I get up in the morning I inspect every little wrinkle and mistake the bed-lines with stretch marks and have a freak out moment everyday- it never fails!  Paul thinks I'm nuts.  Needless to say, I slather myself with belly spackle.
Sleep: Pretty good- it's hit or miss really.  I've been having vivid dreams about sea creatures as of late.  Two nights in a row, I've dreamt about a killer whale that gets beached and Paul and I have to take turns trying to get it out to sea in our sailboat!  Someone interpret that dream for me please! :)
Best moment of this week: Hmmm, having this past Monday off and Paul finally finishing the kitchen floors! YAY! Oh, and of course finally registering!  I have to say it was fun perusing the aisles and looking at all the cute stuff!  
Miss Anything? At times I miss how comfortable I used to be; I've been having some backaches and sore feet at the end of a long day on my feet teaching, but other than that, no, not really.
Movement: Yep still tossing and turning!  Lots of movement down low typically.  Sometimes when this kid starts up, I can watch my belly move and it's downright alien like!
Food Craving: Sweets, pizza, candy specifically.  Not so much chocolate, but I could eat a whole bag of gummy bears (who am I kidding, I have eaten a whole bag of gummy bears- this past week I believe).
Anything making you queasy or sick? Overeating is not been a dear friend of mine recently.  If I don't eat when I'm just getting hungry and wait too long, I have a tendency to overeat and ugh I feel disgusting afterwards!  I have this visual of my stomach shoved right under my boobs and it's not a pleasant feeling.
Gender Prediction: So when I'm planning the nursery and envisioning baby I picture a girl, but when I'm being practical and when I registered I did so with a boy in mind.  Who knows, maybe it'll be a litter of kittens instead and this all will have been for naught!  
Labor Signs: None to report, but over these past couple of weeks if I've been walking in the hallway at a beat or multi-tasking like a crazy woman, I get these intense round ligament pains- enough to make me pause and take a time out!
Symptoms: None to report.
Belly button in or out? In, but I would say I've got one more week tops until it's flat like a pancake!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Paul found out this past week or so ago that he got into law school!  So, we're packing up and moving out.  We've got a lot more on our plates now other than having a baby, so often times the overwhelming feeling of how am I going to be able to do this takes over, but I will say it only sticks around for about 5 minutes or so.  One day at a time eh?
Looking forward to: Selling this house and finding a wonderful new home for Sofia where they'll love and adore her as much as we do, as much as it pains me to say.  Once those two things are checked off my mental list I can concentrate all my efforts on having this kiddo!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year and Past the Half-Way Point!

How far along? 21 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yea!  Over the break I had to hit up Walmart for some super comfy sweatpants; they’re huge and warm and I love them!  The belly is growing for sure, but I seem to be growing out rather than growing wider, so I can’t complain about that!
Stretch Marks: Not so far, but I’ve been lotioning and oiling (notice my sandlot reference), so hopefully that’ll keep those dang stretch marks at bay.
Sleep: Pretty good still; think I may need to invest in a better support pillow for my neck, but other than that no complaints.  My dreams however have been creepy and sometimes down right scary...I hear that’s normal?
Best moment of this week: The sonogram!  Finally after waiting 21 weeks, we go to see that little booger on the big screen.  He/she wasn’t kicking up a storm like he/she usually is, but we were so thankful to see that everything looked normal and healthy.  We definitely said a big “thank you” to The Lord!Miss Anything? Honestly, no.  I’ve gotten over the whole can’t have a glass of wine thing and I’m quite enjoying pregnancy at this current interval.
Movement: Yes!!!  Oh my sweet bananas can this kid move.  I would say every two hours or so I feel a swift kick to the gut.  Right around 9/9:30 at night that little one is doing gymnastics in there I swear!  I love it though and I can’t stop giggling throughout; I look forward to that time every night now!
Food Craving: Still sweets!  Today I couldn’t help but notice that we were right next to Culver’s and wouldn’t you know I had to stop in for a sundae.  I will say that I haven’t indulged myself too much, but if the opportunity arrises I’m not going to to turn it down!  The other thing lately that has popped back up in my craving vault has been burgers, and pizza.  Either always sounds good in the afternoon or evening.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Ehhh, I haven’t ventured near eggs, but they still sound nasty.  Oh and lemon pepper chicken gag!
Gender Prediction: I have to admit that I’m now almost fully convinced it’s a boy.  We didn’t look at the sonogram today, but the tech said that she saw several times the gender of the baby.  Perhaps I’m reading into that, but for whatever reason both Paul and I think it’s a boy, however my cravings would indicate a girl (old wives tale).
Labor Signs: Nope, although sometimes I do feel quite a bit of pressure, but I think that’s normal.
Symptoms: None to report.
Belly button in or out? In, but Paul made note that it was slowly dwindling.  Makes it a whole lot easier to clean hehe j/k no lint here!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! A bit anxious sometimes when I think that this is already half-way over and I still see so much left to do ahead of us.  Sigh...all in good time I guess eh?
Looking forward to: Registering and not having to think about it anymore.  Also looking forward to finishing these dang floors that we’ve been working on for a couple of years now and focusing all of our efforts on completing the nursery!