Sunday, February 26, 2017

16 weeks and all boy!!!

This was at 16 weeks 4 days.

This was at 15 weeks 6 days.
How far along? 16 weeks and 4 days in the first pic above, but as I type I'm about 17 and some.  Lagging behind here.
Total Weight Gain: 3 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yep, all day erryday.
Sleep: So I don't know whether it's the fact that this bump protrudes more or the fact that I'm a light sleeper now (thanks to previous kid), but I cannot get comfortable with the body pillows.  Paul suggested wadding up some blankets to hold my belly up so I don't go bump first into the mattress and end up in this half turned-over phase and it works like a dream!
Best moment of this week: Well technically it was last week, but my sweet class and co-workers got me a gift certificate to stork vision- this place where you can get a gender reveal sonogram and see a sneak peak of your baby in 4-D.  We went last Saturday and found out that we were having a boy!  Overjoyed, ecstatic, thrilled- any of the above wouldn't do just how we feel justice.  We are blessed to have one of each now and we're done!!
Miss Anything? Sushi- raw sushi and lots of it.
Movement: Every now and then when I eat or drink, but for the most part he seems pretty still in there.  
Food Craving: Bread or any other carb will do.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Shockingly, sweets.  This is super shocking and another verification of this kid's gender.  I couldn't get enough sweet stuff with Remy and to this day she could take down a bag of jelly beans if I let her.  With this kid, I'll take a second helping of whatever we're eating for dinner!
Gender Prediction: Boy was I wrong about last post; boy all the way.
Symptoms: Irritable, but that could be because I'm not sleeping super well :/
Belly button in or out? In but it's in the stretching process.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  We picked up a bunch of camping stuff for the nursery this week with my MIL; we're doing a camping theme :) 
Looking forward to: Feeling this baby roll and turn in my belly on the regular.  Also, our sonogram next week; praying that everything looks good and baby is healthy.  Lastly, I'm chomping at the bit to get started on this nursery, but we've got a while, so I'll try to calmly wait.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

14 weeks...again

So fun to have her walk through this with me.  I wonder how much of this she'll remember when she's older.

How far along? 14 weeks
Total Weight Gain: -1 lb and holding!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, but as the day varies so does the ability to keep the maternity clothes up.  I feel like I'm in this perpetual middle ground stage.  Most days I just look like I've over-eaten and the bump is really more of a flabby mound...attractive :/
Stretch Marks: Not any more than usual :)
Sleep: Again, I'm in this middle stage of wanting to use a body pillow, but then I'm uncomfortable with maneuvering it around me and I just end up kicking it off the bed in the middle of the night. 
Best moment of this week: Went to the doctor again last week and we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  It was 168 and going strong!  My sister-in-law and I both looked at each other and said "girl" at the same time.  Remy's heartbeat was always pretty high, so if we're going by old wives tales, I'm calling for another girl.
Miss Anything? An occasional beer every now and then, or glass of wine at the end of a long pre-school teaching day, but other than that, my lifestyle is pretty much the same.
Movement: Not as much these past two weeks.  I feel some flutters when I eat spicy food or if i'm lying flat on my back, but I think it's found its new sleeping position in there. 
Food Craving: We've moved on from tacos and pizza to flavored beverages.  Vitamin water is my new best friend and I tote one around with me all day.  Sometimes if I drink just plain water I want to barf. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? See above.  The other day I did entertain the idea of eating an egg, but then I thought better of that idea and stuck to my usual morning breakfast of a bagel and cream cheese.
Gender Prediction: Girl- see aforementioned heartbeat.  Although I will say that this pregnancy has been different, I haven't craved sweets hardly at all and all that really appeals to me is carbohydrates.
Symptoms: Nothing really to report, still having random bouts of queasiness and even though I'm now in the second trimester, I'm really tired all.the.time.  That could be thanks to teaching 16 three-year-olds three times a week.
Belly button in or out? Pretty normal, except that now that my body is like "oh, hey!  I remember this."  It's got this weird skin flap above it from being all stretched out before.  TMI- #sorrynotsorry  On the plus side, it would be perfect for a belly button piercing, but who am I kidding- I'm not 21 anymore.  Belly button ring + stretch marks = sexy. (or not)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  I can't wait for the sonogram at our 20 week appointment and even though it's 6 weeks away, this pregnancy has been flying by. 
Looking forward to: Our next appointment before my birthday and celebrating said birthday with Hibachi and arcade games- here's to 33!