Wednesday, May 15, 2013

39 Weeks and Still Preggo...

How far along? pic was taken at 39 weeks 3 days, but I’m typing to you all at 39 weeks 6 days and let me tell you, I think I’ve gotten bigger!
Total Weight Gain: 31 lbs...passed the 30 lb. mark- get this kid outta me!
Maternity Clothes: Are there any other kinds of clothing- I swear if I see one more pair of pants with a stretchy top or maternity tops that no longer fit this belly of mine- I’ll go stark raving mad!!!  
Stretch Marks: We are a full go on the stretch marks and I’m itching like a mad women- it feels like poison ivy all over my belly and no amount of lotion or oil or cortizone will curb this itch!  I’m stretched to maximum capacity people and it’s not fun!
Sleep: Oddly enough, I’m still sleeping pretty well, but I guess that’s only if you call pretty well waking up every 1-2 hours to pee.  The other night I almost clocked Paul in the jaw because I was dreaming that my ob was going to check me and I didn’t want to be checked, I just wanted to be left alone.  Turns out, I was having a contraction and had to pee at that very moment; not a pretty combo.  
Best moment of this week: My mom flew in to be with me at the delivery and to help out afterwards; it’s been wonderful to have her here and my house has not been more organized and clean maybe ever!  Also, I stopped working yesterday and my feet and back have been eternally grateful!  
Miss Anything? Fitting into any type of clothing that doesn’t resemble a moomoo and being able to breathe.
Movement: At night about the only thing this kid has room to do anymore is run its little hand up and down my belly.  I can also feel the outline of it’s footprint which is adorable and alien-like all at the same time.
Food Craving: Back to fruit again, for morning, noon or at night- it just tastes so good!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I’ve had bouts of nausea lately, but I think that’s because I’m so huge.  The silver lining is that this kid has dropped significantly and I can now eat something without having to tote my maalox around with me.
Gender Prediction: Only now, when I can see the light at the end of the tunnel do I have a strong, strong need to find out.  The dr. has had two impromptu sonograms the past two times I’ve visited b/c he’s said this kid’s butt feels very similar to a head and he wants to make sure the head is down.  I’ve been extremely tempted to say, “Aww, hell, what is it, boy or girl?”  But seeing Paul’s face and knowing that we’ve held out as long as we have- I feel that it would be very anti-climactic to find out that way now.  
Labor Signs: 1-2 cm dilated and 20% effaced and my dr. can feel the head, but my cervix is still set pretty far back, so it looks like my due date (tomorrow) might come and go...
Symptoms: Feels like I’m having nasty menstral cramps whenever I walk consistently and I’m contracting pretty frequently, but nothing regular and as soon as I stop walking or moving around everything stops.
Belly button in or out? For the sake of my cousin, we shall not address the belly button situation this week.  Be assured that it’s not a pretty sight.
Wedding rings on or off? Off officially, the only ring that fits me now is this band I usually wear on my right hand.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Honestly, I feel like this kid will perpetually stay in there.  I can’t even fathom what it will be like to hold this child for the first time and my brain is kind of on “shut down” mode.  It’s kind of like the twilight zone everyday now.  All of this baby stuff is surrounding me and I’m not really sure what it’s doing in my house.  Sounds very close to denial eh?
Looking forward to: Do I even need to tell you all?  Obviously, I’m looking forward to getting this kid out and seeing what it looks like, if it’s a boy or a girl, but mostly I’m looking forward to this pregnancy part being over.  40 weeks is enough don’t you think?  Hopefully there will be no 41 update for you all, just pics of this kid!  

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