How far along? 31 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yea! Not even attempting regular pants now!
Stretch Marks: None so far!
Sleep: One word: relaxin! I cannot sleep for more than a couple of hours without waking up to either 1. pee or 2. change positions because my entire body aches from staying in one position too long!
Best moment of this week: Spring Break! Getting some items on my very long to do list crossed off. Finished everything I can finish in the nursery until the shower! Also having some time off to just relax; I could def. use at least another week or so, but beggars can’t be choosers eh?
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night would be my number one item on that list followed closely by a general feeling of “betterness.” (not a word, I know) i.e. no nausea, dizziness, upset stomach, utter exhaustion, etc.
Movement: Yep; still moving a ton. In fact, now if he/she isn’t pushing down on my cervix or moving from side to side across my belly, I’m wondering what’s up!
Food Craving: These past couple of weeks, pizza!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Really the question should be what’s not making me queasy- strike that- feeling slightly dramatic. This morning I had some delicious pancakes with pineapple on top and I loved every bite, until I finished everything on my plate and proceeded to run to the bathroom to upchuck everything! Needless to say, I held down my cookies and my dear friend nausea from the first trimester and I had a knock down, drag out fight for the remainder of the day. I think it’s winning, but they jury is still out!
Gender Prediction: I have no idea at this point! As long as they don’t scream out, “We have a litter of kittens!” I’ll be happy.
Labor Signs: Oh yea, regular braxton hicks and there are moments when I just chillin, eating some pizza or something and bam...this little one sticks his/her head down on my cervix so hard I think I’m either going to pee or have a baby...under pressure!!!
Symptoms: I feel like an advertisement for pepto- nausea, upset stomach, dizzy and sometimes on a really fun occasion, I break out in what I’m assuming must be known as a hot flash! Thank you mother nature!
Belly button in or out? I’m excited to announce that we have reached the “out” phase. I know my cousin must be cringing with nausea herself when she reads this! (hehe)
Wedding rings on or off? On and honestly, I haven’t been that swollen either!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy mostly, sometimes I have a freak out moment. It goes something like this: folding baby clothes giddy with their cuteness when out of the blue slowly my brain turns on itself and says, “Lauren, you must raise this child to be a stand up member of society,” and I pretty much drop the clothes and back slowly away, control my breathing and go watch E! news until it is passed. I’m noticing those moments are becoming closer together much like contractions ha!
Looking forward to: Passed my GTT test btw! Yea! The shower!!! My parents are coming in this next week for the shower and I can’t wait to see them and show them my large “frame” shall we say hehe. I haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving when I was around 16 weeks, so I’ve changed in stature quite a bit! It’s always good to have your parents around you to put you at ease; these people did it, I turned out alright, how hard can it be? right?! right?! anyone?!
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