Sunday, July 30, 2017

39 weeks and we're all done!

How far along? 39 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 21 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes and even those stretchy tops are tight  
Best moment of this week: finding out we're having this baby 
Miss Anything? My heartburn has been like woah folks, so I'm really looking forward to eating something without feeling a fire in my esophagus.
Movement: Oh yes, he is in the most uncomfortable position and has been for the past 6 weeks, but now he's rather large and I'm pretty stretched out, so his movements are quite painful
Anything making you queasy or sick? Other than my nerves, no.
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Since 36 weeks I've been having prodromal labor- false labor really, except that those are real contractions that you feel; they just don't dilate or efface you much.  He has been transverse or sideways since around 31 weeks and while he has tried and tried to switch to the head down position, for whatever reason, he just can't get there.  Maybe my placenta is low or maybe he's tangled himself up in his cord or maybe he just likes being sideways (although mama doesn't enjoy him being sideways) so as a result, he's being cut out of me tomorrow.  
Belly button in or out?  Completely flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Anxious, nervous, excited, relieved- so many emotions at any given second of the day. Today we spent our last day as a family of three out at Bonham State Park #bittersweet.  We fished, we swam, we took a picnic and we took the back roads there.  It was glorious and it will be a day forever etched in my memory.  Paul has been the best at trying to keep my mind off of tomorrow, which is hard as ideally, a c-section wasn't really my favorite option.  
Looking forward to: Again, a healthy baby and now an easy recovery.  I've had so many friends and relatives reach out to me sharing their c-section stories and their recoveries and it has helped tremendously.  I've never had any surgery before, so this is uncharted territory for me, but somewhere a while back, I felt God prepping me for this.  I knew deep down that I would end up with a c-section this go round and when he didn't turn, even though he tried and I tried, I felt that this was the right way for him to come into the world.  I keep coming back to the fact that the Lord has never failed me, not once.  In all my angst and worry, I know in my soul that He has this all in His hands and that this baby is a gift anyway, so as long as I keep the mantra "He is faithful," I try and drown out my negative thoughts and focus on that mantra to calm me.  

 Our last adventure as a family of three:

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

36 weeks...where has the time gone?!

How far along? Actually I'm typing this at 36 weeks 5 days
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs and holding strong (fingers crossed)
Maternity Clothes: you're joking right? 
Best moment of this week: hitting the one month mark- scary and welcomed all at the same time
Miss Anything? This week, alcohol- specifically a peach bellini    
Movement: Pretty frequently too, but it's more of a pushing outward rather than a jab now and hiccups quite frequently too
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing that I can pinpoint, but every now and then I get a wave of nausea.
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Well, around 34 weeks I walked to and from the pool in 100 degree heat without my trusy water by my side and it kicked me right into contractions every 15/20 minutes for a couple of hours.  I waddled my way over to L&D and they hydrated me, but not before checking me- I was at a 1 and 20% effaced, so really nothing.  I still have braxton hicks all the time and crampy contractions, albeit not consistent, but I think this kid is in for the long haul.
Belly button in or out? I forgot I even had one.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm going to say moody or maybe bi-polar would be more accurate- thanks hormones.  This weekend was a rough one with Remy and I had a mental breakdown thinking, how on earth are we going to do two; who are we kidding?!  Paul talked me down off the ledge but man, I do remember those mood swings and I did not miss them!  My poor husband- pray for him!
Looking forward to: A healthy baby.  Along with those mood swings, I can't seem to keep myself from thinking about the worst case scenario all.the.time!  I'm done nesting and now I'm trying to distract myself every waking moment by staying busy.  I'm praying earnestly and trying to trust Him to bring this to completion as it was the Lord himself that most definitely gifted this child to us.  At this point, I don't really even care how they take this baby out of me, I just want him to be healthy and whole.  

Now for a nursery preview: 

Hard to see, but it's a camping mobile that Paul and I made.