Sunday, July 30, 2017

39 weeks and we're all done!

How far along? 39 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 21 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes and even those stretchy tops are tight  
Best moment of this week: finding out we're having this baby 
Miss Anything? My heartburn has been like woah folks, so I'm really looking forward to eating something without feeling a fire in my esophagus.
Movement: Oh yes, he is in the most uncomfortable position and has been for the past 6 weeks, but now he's rather large and I'm pretty stretched out, so his movements are quite painful
Anything making you queasy or sick? Other than my nerves, no.
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Since 36 weeks I've been having prodromal labor- false labor really, except that those are real contractions that you feel; they just don't dilate or efface you much.  He has been transverse or sideways since around 31 weeks and while he has tried and tried to switch to the head down position, for whatever reason, he just can't get there.  Maybe my placenta is low or maybe he's tangled himself up in his cord or maybe he just likes being sideways (although mama doesn't enjoy him being sideways) so as a result, he's being cut out of me tomorrow.  
Belly button in or out?  Completely flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Anxious, nervous, excited, relieved- so many emotions at any given second of the day. Today we spent our last day as a family of three out at Bonham State Park #bittersweet.  We fished, we swam, we took a picnic and we took the back roads there.  It was glorious and it will be a day forever etched in my memory.  Paul has been the best at trying to keep my mind off of tomorrow, which is hard as ideally, a c-section wasn't really my favorite option.  
Looking forward to: Again, a healthy baby and now an easy recovery.  I've had so many friends and relatives reach out to me sharing their c-section stories and their recoveries and it has helped tremendously.  I've never had any surgery before, so this is uncharted territory for me, but somewhere a while back, I felt God prepping me for this.  I knew deep down that I would end up with a c-section this go round and when he didn't turn, even though he tried and I tried, I felt that this was the right way for him to come into the world.  I keep coming back to the fact that the Lord has never failed me, not once.  In all my angst and worry, I know in my soul that He has this all in His hands and that this baby is a gift anyway, so as long as I keep the mantra "He is faithful," I try and drown out my negative thoughts and focus on that mantra to calm me.  

 Our last adventure as a family of three:

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

36 weeks...where has the time gone?!

How far along? Actually I'm typing this at 36 weeks 5 days
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs and holding strong (fingers crossed)
Maternity Clothes: you're joking right? 
Best moment of this week: hitting the one month mark- scary and welcomed all at the same time
Miss Anything? This week, alcohol- specifically a peach bellini    
Movement: Pretty frequently too, but it's more of a pushing outward rather than a jab now and hiccups quite frequently too
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing that I can pinpoint, but every now and then I get a wave of nausea.
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Well, around 34 weeks I walked to and from the pool in 100 degree heat without my trusy water by my side and it kicked me right into contractions every 15/20 minutes for a couple of hours.  I waddled my way over to L&D and they hydrated me, but not before checking me- I was at a 1 and 20% effaced, so really nothing.  I still have braxton hicks all the time and crampy contractions, albeit not consistent, but I think this kid is in for the long haul.
Belly button in or out? I forgot I even had one.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm going to say moody or maybe bi-polar would be more accurate- thanks hormones.  This weekend was a rough one with Remy and I had a mental breakdown thinking, how on earth are we going to do two; who are we kidding?!  Paul talked me down off the ledge but man, I do remember those mood swings and I did not miss them!  My poor husband- pray for him!
Looking forward to: A healthy baby.  Along with those mood swings, I can't seem to keep myself from thinking about the worst case scenario all.the.time!  I'm done nesting and now I'm trying to distract myself every waking moment by staying busy.  I'm praying earnestly and trying to trust Him to bring this to completion as it was the Lord himself that most definitely gifted this child to us.  At this point, I don't really even care how they take this baby out of me, I just want him to be healthy and whole.  

Now for a nursery preview: 

Hard to see, but it's a camping mobile that Paul and I made.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

32 weeks

How far along? Actually I'm typing this at 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 16 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I can't remember when I didn't wear them. 
Best moment of this week: Finding a solution to a myriad of issues.
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night, but I'll be missing that for the next two years at least.    
Movement: All.the.time.  At our last sono he was frank breach, but then switched to straight breach and began to dance on my cervix and kick out during the sonogram.  This may be a bad sign for what's to come...can you say active much?!  The doctor said today that he would wait until I was full-term to see if he turns on his own and if not, C-section it is! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Doing pretty good lately
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Braxton hicks at the end of the day like woah, especially if I've been on my feet a ton.  
Belly button in or out? Same as last time- it's a goner.

Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but stressed.  These past two weeks have been rough.  We've been on an emotional roller coaster trying to iron out the kinks surrounding our living situation, jobs, money- basically life, but praise the Lord, He always comes through for us and this time is no different.  I also went in today for a check-up and after having a late sonogram a couple weeks ago, my doctor informed me today that the baby has a two ventricle cord as opposed to the typical three.  He said that it's pretty rare in that only 1% of pregnancies have it, but that it seldom causes issues with the pregnancy and as long as the baby is growing (which he is),  and that the only thing to do is to monitor the baby once he's born for vascular and/or urinary tract issues.  I don't feel overly concerned because the sonogram tech. checked his kidneys and said they looked great and apparently the kidneys and umbilical cord are developed right around the same time, so sometimes there are issues.
sucking his thumb
Looking forward to: Honestly, the fourth of July and fireworks and BBQs and making another memory just the three of us.  I keep telling myself to mentally take this in, this time we have as just the three of us because it seems so fleeting.  This pregnancy flew by, as opposed to the first time around, and now that I'm staring down the last 6 weeks, I'm not fully prepared for what the next phase of life will bring or how much it'll change everything.  Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to this little baby and his baby smells and coo's and adding to our little family, but I'm also going to miss the simplicity of just us.  We've had it this way for four years, we've had time to adjust, get out of diapers and begin school and now we're venturing out into newborn territory again.  I'm elated and terrified all at the same time; it's a weird dichotomy. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

28 weeks...hello third trimester

How far along? 28 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: hang on to your butts- we're up 13 lbs 😳
Maternity Clothes: #nopants has commenced, b/c honestly, who wants to shove a basketball in their pants and walk around like that all day. one.  
Best moment of this week: Today!!!! Mother's Day has been, over the past three years, a day of absolute perfection.  My family goes above and beyond to make me feel appreciated today, but to be frank, they do that all the time.  I am one lucky Mrs. to have a Mr. that treats me with consideration, puts me in my place (tactfully) and puts me first when making all decisions.  To say that I am blessed would be an understatement and let me never forget it!
Miss Anything? Walking up the stairs without getting winded, but mostly just sushi and wine.  
Movement: Last night Paul and I were sitting on the couch watching The Great British Baking Show and we watched this kid play drums on my insides.  He was jamming out to some tune in his head, either that or he really loved the taco bell I had tucked into earlier 😜
Anything making you queasy or sick? If I eat too much sugar I get a wave of nausea; I'm really looking forward to my glucose test Thursday, said no pregnant woman ever!
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Two words: lightning crotch...tmi?  Often times I imagine him jumping around in there like my cervix is a trampoline, which I assure you, it's not.
Belly button in or out? Totally flat, like a pancake, but with a tiny mound-like structure.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  It's been a wonderful weekend and with only two weeks left until summer, the pool open already, and the grill fired up almost every night, we're in full-on summer mode!
Looking forward to: Getting this dreaded glucose test over with and the rhogam shot that goes along with it.  On a more exciting note, Remy's birthday party is this week and she is over the moon excited.  I am half- crying/half-cheering because she's four.  How did that happen?  Did I blink?  I feel like I want to go back and slow motion everything from one year and on because who really wants to slow motion the newborn phase?  All that spit-up, all that crying, no sleep and then there's the baby.  What's that you say, we're doing it all again?  Isn't that definition of crazy, but then you look at your four year old and say, totally worth it!

A Mother's Day Tribute:

In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I'd like to take a moment to recognize all the women out there that find this day painful.  In no way do I find the fact that I'm a mom for granted.  This is a deep desire that I prayed for so many years ago and for so long.  When we were blessed with Remy, we both knew that this was the part of life that was missing and my how it turned our lives upside down.  We prayed again for her to have a sibling and again after a bout of tough news, the Lord performed a genuine miracle and this little sprout in my belly was conceived.  All of science said no, doctors said there my be a small chance or no chance at all.  This road was not an easy one, and I know how easy we had it in comparison to so many out there, but I felt strongly that I wanted it to be known that we see you, moms-to-be and we're rooting for you and praying for you.  We so desperately want you to enter in the fray of motherhood, to join along side us in glitter or poop- depending on the day-up to your eye balls, those little hands that grip yours and those little hearts that engulf yours.  You are not alone and if this is the desire of your heart, know that "Every good gift and every perfect gift from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17.  It is in my experience and in my mother's experience as well, that He draws near to the broken-hearted and that He is faithful.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks exactly
Total Weight Gain: post stomach bug- down to 8 lbs. gained total
Maternity Clothes: Yep and my leggings are starting to tighten.  I did invest in two pairs of shorts to carry me through summer, but I'm thinking at this rate, I may just have to go pantless and not leave the house or just lay on the floor to get some relief from the heat.  
Best moment of this week: Well, let's be honest this week sucked, so let's go with last week.  I would have to say going to my in-laws for Easter and watching Remy hunt high and low all over the ranch for Easter eggs!  
Miss Anything? Turning over without pain or walking without feeling winded.  It has begun and we're not even at the 30 week mark!!! 
Movement: I'm pretty sure with this stomach bug this past week, this kid has had no sleep.  I'm sure my rumbling belly and other "stuff" had him up at all hours of the night, so ya, lots of movement!  As I'm typing this he's doing gymnastics in there.
Anything making you queasy or sick? LOL from pregnancy no, but had you asked me this on Monday- *barf* everything
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: Holy braxton hicks batman, I'm cramping way more frequently than I thought I did with Remy.  I'll have to look back and see if that truly is the case.  I'm going to chalk it up to teaching preschool and sitting down well, never.  I have, however, taken up the rolly chair in the classroom and I tend to wheel myself around the room now.  Bless my co-teacher.  
Belly button in or out? Well prior to my lil bout with the tummy bug earlier, I would say pretty much flat with a slight divot.  Now, it's back to my last post- half in, half out.  
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  I'm feeling the itch to be done with school and I know my four-year-olds are too.  I'm ready for summer full-time and I'm happy to say, some things have been ironed out.  We've still got some unknowns, but for the most part, we're comfortable not knowing and that's taken time to arrive at that destination.  
Looking forward to: We're meeting some dear, dear friends of ours in Waco this weekend at Magnolia and anyone who knows me knows I have a small (huge) obsession with all things fixer upper.  It's not so much that I want to be Jo, it's that I want her to come and find me a house and fix it up just to my the middle of the country here...with chickens and goats...and a large porch so I can sit in my rocker on said porch and drink sweet tea.  Basically the quintessential southern dream.  I'm beside myself excited and I was praying so, so dearly this week that this bug didn't continue on because I wasn't going to miss my dear law school buddy and the silos. period.

A little snippet of Easter Weekend at the ranch: 

Friday, March 31, 2017

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks exactly
Total Weight Gain: 9 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Leggings are my jam and this warmer weather is bittersweet.  While I love being outside, no one wants to see my pasty legs in a pair of shorts and a huge 'ole belly.  #spiderveins :( 
Sleep: Now that I feel this kid do full rolls and round-offs in my belly in the dead of night, sleep is really hit or miss (hence looking super tired in the pic above). 
Best moment of this week: Dr said this kid was right on track and this pregnancy is moving along smoothly.  Honestly, most days I forget I'm pregnant!
Miss Anything? One word: wine or beer or a margarita on the porch with some chips and salsa or queso or all of the above.  So actually more than one word.   
Movement: This afternoon after tucking into three fish tacos, I took a video to show the aerobatics this little one performs.  It wasn't super clear in the video, but man can I feel him rolling around in there.
Food Craving: tacos, tacos and tacos.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but if by sick you mean getting heartburn after looking at a blueberry, yes.  
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: If I climb a set of stairs, I'm contracting fo sho, but that could just mean that I'm out of shape.  Ok, let's be honest, I'm always winded after a flight of stairs- bring on the tacos!
Belly button in or out? Half in, half out.  It can't make up its mind yet or its trying to hold onto its dignity with a kung-fu like grip.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  We've got a lot of balls up in the air right now, this pregnancy notwithstanding, however we're praying earnestly about our next steps as a family and right now we're playing the waiting game- everyone's favorite game, said no one ever!
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery projects and getting out of the waiting zone.  I mean I know I'll be waiting for another 20 weeks or so for a baby, but if we could get a bit more understanding of what else is going to be happening within the next couple of month, that sure would relieve some undue stress.  I'm also looking forward to getting some needed items for this second bambino, i.e. sit-n-stand stroller and a new breast pump and of course some cute boy stuff!!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

19 weeks and almost halfway!

Note the pose :)


How far along? 19 weeks 2 days
Total Weight Gain: 8 lbs- hello weight gain :)
Maternity Clothes: I feel like I wear the same shirt and leggings everyday. I don't want to go out and buy more clothes as I know this is our last one, so I'm starting to branch out with wearing my own pre-pregnancy shirts.  
Sleep: Hello leg cramps! I've been kicking water back (as in 90 ounces/day usually) but to no avail.  Looks like I'll be upping my potassium intake next and hoping for some relief at night.
Best moment of this week: Going to the anatomy scan this past Thursday.  He's still a boy and he was giving the tech a run for her money.  That kid was everywhere, flipping, rolling, anywhere to get away from her prying :)  Praise the Lord that everything measured normal and she said he was right on track for August 4th!  Maybe this one will be on time eh?  A girl can dream.
Miss Anything? Being able to breathe or cough without some wicked round ligament pain.  
Movement: Depends on the day, but usually everyday now I feel him moving around in there.  No distinct rolls or jabs to the gut, but I feel him and that's what counts.   
Food Craving: carbs and protein and tacos :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Y'all, I actually ate and egg today and I didn't want to vomit! Winning!  Nothing else seems to making me feel ill, but sometimes, like this morning, I get a wave of strong nausea.  *Shrug*
Gender: Boy 
Symptoms: This week I started with braxton hicks, especially since I've been on spring break and I've had Remy all over North Dallas.  If I'm walking a ton and don't rest, I'll start cramping and it's somewhat uncomfortable, but if I sit down and rest I'm ok.
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  We're almost at the halfway mark, which gives me pause for reflection on just how much we have to get done, but it always ends up done, so I'm trying not to stress. :/ 
Looking forward to: Putting this nursery together bit by bit.  My dear friends are coming in next weekend to paint and sand and do some diy projects and after that it'll just be a matter of putting the crib together and we'll be done (pretty much)! 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

16 weeks and all boy!!!

This was at 16 weeks 4 days.

This was at 15 weeks 6 days.
How far along? 16 weeks and 4 days in the first pic above, but as I type I'm about 17 and some.  Lagging behind here.
Total Weight Gain: 3 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yep, all day erryday.
Sleep: So I don't know whether it's the fact that this bump protrudes more or the fact that I'm a light sleeper now (thanks to previous kid), but I cannot get comfortable with the body pillows.  Paul suggested wadding up some blankets to hold my belly up so I don't go bump first into the mattress and end up in this half turned-over phase and it works like a dream!
Best moment of this week: Well technically it was last week, but my sweet class and co-workers got me a gift certificate to stork vision- this place where you can get a gender reveal sonogram and see a sneak peak of your baby in 4-D.  We went last Saturday and found out that we were having a boy!  Overjoyed, ecstatic, thrilled- any of the above wouldn't do just how we feel justice.  We are blessed to have one of each now and we're done!!
Miss Anything? Sushi- raw sushi and lots of it.
Movement: Every now and then when I eat or drink, but for the most part he seems pretty still in there.  
Food Craving: Bread or any other carb will do.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Shockingly, sweets.  This is super shocking and another verification of this kid's gender.  I couldn't get enough sweet stuff with Remy and to this day she could take down a bag of jelly beans if I let her.  With this kid, I'll take a second helping of whatever we're eating for dinner!
Gender Prediction: Boy was I wrong about last post; boy all the way.
Symptoms: Irritable, but that could be because I'm not sleeping super well :/
Belly button in or out? In but it's in the stretching process.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  We picked up a bunch of camping stuff for the nursery this week with my MIL; we're doing a camping theme :) 
Looking forward to: Feeling this baby roll and turn in my belly on the regular.  Also, our sonogram next week; praying that everything looks good and baby is healthy.  Lastly, I'm chomping at the bit to get started on this nursery, but we've got a while, so I'll try to calmly wait.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

14 weeks...again

So fun to have her walk through this with me.  I wonder how much of this she'll remember when she's older.

How far along? 14 weeks
Total Weight Gain: -1 lb and holding!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, but as the day varies so does the ability to keep the maternity clothes up.  I feel like I'm in this perpetual middle ground stage.  Most days I just look like I've over-eaten and the bump is really more of a flabby mound...attractive :/
Stretch Marks: Not any more than usual :)
Sleep: Again, I'm in this middle stage of wanting to use a body pillow, but then I'm uncomfortable with maneuvering it around me and I just end up kicking it off the bed in the middle of the night. 
Best moment of this week: Went to the doctor again last week and we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  It was 168 and going strong!  My sister-in-law and I both looked at each other and said "girl" at the same time.  Remy's heartbeat was always pretty high, so if we're going by old wives tales, I'm calling for another girl.
Miss Anything? An occasional beer every now and then, or glass of wine at the end of a long pre-school teaching day, but other than that, my lifestyle is pretty much the same.
Movement: Not as much these past two weeks.  I feel some flutters when I eat spicy food or if i'm lying flat on my back, but I think it's found its new sleeping position in there. 
Food Craving: We've moved on from tacos and pizza to flavored beverages.  Vitamin water is my new best friend and I tote one around with me all day.  Sometimes if I drink just plain water I want to barf. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? See above.  The other day I did entertain the idea of eating an egg, but then I thought better of that idea and stuck to my usual morning breakfast of a bagel and cream cheese.
Gender Prediction: Girl- see aforementioned heartbeat.  Although I will say that this pregnancy has been different, I haven't craved sweets hardly at all and all that really appeals to me is carbohydrates.
Symptoms: Nothing really to report, still having random bouts of queasiness and even though I'm now in the second trimester, I'm really tired all.the.time.  That could be thanks to teaching 16 three-year-olds three times a week.
Belly button in or out? Pretty normal, except that now that my body is like "oh, hey!  I remember this."  It's got this weird skin flap above it from being all stretched out before.  TMI- #sorrynotsorry  On the plus side, it would be perfect for a belly button piercing, but who am I kidding- I'm not 21 anymore.  Belly button ring + stretch marks = sexy. (or not)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  I can't wait for the sonogram at our 20 week appointment and even though it's 6 weeks away, this pregnancy has been flying by. 
Looking forward to: Our next appointment before my birthday and celebrating said birthday with Hibachi and arcade games- here's to 33! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Four years later...

and we're having another baby!  I will confess that this child is, by all means, a miracle.  I won't go into details, but we weren't sure if we would be able to have another baby.  We prayed for years and after a whole year and some of trying, the Lord answered our prayers!  We found out on November 4th that Paul passed the bar, which was, in itself, a huge answer to prayer, and then we found out over Thanksgiving that Remy was going to have a sibling.  It was blessing upon blessing and we are, to this day, humbled and thankful beyond measure.  

I thought it only fitting that I start up the blog again.  In the early weeks of pregnancy it was quite helpful to look back and see that many of the symptoms I was experiencing, I had also experienced with Remy.  So without further ado, here ya go...

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain: -2 lbs- not sure how that happened; I'm a freak of nature because I've been eating every hour.
Maternity clothes? oh yes, since 10 weeks
Stretch marks? no new ones : /
Sleep: decent I guess; really sleep after a child is hit or miss
Best moment this week: getting past the first trimester and feeling this little bugger flutter away

Miss Anything? sushi and wine
Movement: around 11 weeks or so I started to feel distinct fluttering which was shocking to me since I took a peek at my previous pregnancy posts and I didn't feel anything until 16 weeks.  
Food cravings: Specifically, hard tacos from Taco Bell, pizza and fizzy non-soda drinks
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Eggs still- clearly my children don't like eggs in utero or out.  Remy has yet to touch an egg and she did not like them in the womb!
Gender: I'm calling for a boy with these cravings.

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: This pregnancy I've been way more nauseous and in general just feeling icky.  It was pretty bad weeks 6,7 and 8 and then started to subside and now it's back every now and then; I hear that's a good sign though.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Here's some brutal honesty for y'all: I had a major meltdown/disappointing first appointment (10 weeks).  We didn't get to hear the heartbeat or confirm that there was something in there other than doughnuts and gas; I was so sad when we came home and from that point on until an epiphany around 11 weeks or so, I thought for sure this baby wasn't staying around for the long-haul.  Clearly my faith and trust were lacking and after a much needed attitude adjustment, a healthy talk from Paul, and some prayer, I realized that this child (one that we've prayed for the past three years) is a gift.  The Lord also answered my prayers when later that week I felt this kid move and I had that reassurance I was seeking.  So to answer that question, moody and happy all at the same time (please pray for my husband)!
Looking forward to: Our next appointment to hear the heartbeat and maybe (fingers crossed) get to have a sonogram.  

And now for your viewing pleasure...

(Don't mind my super tired expression with both kids) I know they say you show more quickly with your second, but holy growth Batman, that's quite a difference!