Tuesday, February 26, 2013

28 weeks...12 to go!

How far along? 28 weeks 5 days
Total Weight Gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yep!  Just got some new pants as I’m alternating between three pairs, but I am done buying anything new with exception of maybe a shower dress!  Only 12 more weeks to go...I can hardly believe it!
Stretch Marks: Nope; still going strong and lubing up with my lotioning and oiling!
Sleep: Ugh, not well!  I think the dreaded third trimester sleep deprivation has started. The crazy dreams have ensued, but that’s to be expected eh?
Best moment of this week: Honestly, not a ton of great moments this week.  Slightly stressed, but realizing that I’m stressed, I of course try to turn off my brain and de-stress only leading me down the black hole further!  Damn my analytical, psycho-analytic OCD tendencies!  Oh, well- spring break is right around the corner!
Miss Anything? Honestly, this week and last week I really could’ve used a glass (or bottle) of wine to calm my frayed nerves, alas, I’ve resorted to raspberry leaf tea.  Not the same-AT ALL!
Movement: Oh yea, a ton!  This kid is definitely on a cycle- sleeps most of the day and is awake for food.  He/she can also do a gnarly round house kick to my rib cage!
Food Craving: Eh, I’m for the most part back to my old self with a slight affinity for sweets still.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Pretty much everything, including water gives me indigestion.  Or as Juno would say “If it makes you feel any better, I have heartburn radiating from my knee caps.” True story, little lady, true story.
Gender Prediction: Boy
Labor Signs: None lately.  
Symptoms: Nope!
Belly button in or out? In- still hanging on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Overwhelmed...
Looking forward to: Getting my GTT (gestational tolerance test) results back, selling our house, finding a permanent home for the dog, finishing the floors, fixing the door, finishing the nursery, having all boxes packed, moving half-way across the country, finishing this school year out, having the baby shower, birthing this baby.  All of the above are in random order of course.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

26 Weeks and Nearing the End of "Honeymoon" Period...

How far along? 26 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!  I had a slight melt down this past week in regards to my principal’s email addressing leggings!  I wear leggings like they’re the only thing I own and while I wear shirts that for sure cover my booty, they aren’t always finger tip length I guess.  It’s hard to find shirts that cover my belly and hit me mid-thigh.  I had a slight hormonal “ball my eyes out” when I read that email.  Oh well...I digress...
Stretch Marks: Nope and I’m super pumped that we’ve come this far with out any permanent marks; emotional marks- that’s another topic entirely!
Sleep: Pretty good!  I hear that the dreaded 3rd trimester really prepares you for your soon-to-arrive sleep deprivation weeks; not looking forward to that!  I did have a very vivid dream last night that I received my baby “stork style” all dressed in pink and then as an afterthought, waiting for my friends and family to arrive, I made sure it was in fact a girl and was met with a little penis!  I quickly changed my baby from pink to blue!  I had a feeling of giddiness and was overjoyed that it was a boy, but I thought it was interesting that I thought it was a girl and had to check!
Best moment of this week: Putting together the nursery!  Despite the fact that we will more than likely have to disassemble that nursery approximately 4-6 weeks after birth, Paul and I have had a wonderful bonding time together and we’ve made memories that we will forever remember!  Putting together our first nursery in our first house!  I remember when we were looking at buying this house and I was praying over this decision that I distinctly remember hearing that we would have our first child in this house and even though we’ll be vacating soon afterwards, that dream will be fulfilled and it’s very fulfilling knowing it’s fulfilled ;) 
Miss Anything? Not having any major aches and pains and sleeping on my belly!  Gosh I missing sleeping on my stomach or doing anything on my stomach!  
Movement: Yep- still kicking away!  Sometimes I visualize the little bugger doing flips and turns in there all warm and gooey like.
Food Craving: Honestly, I feel like my taste buds might be changing it up on me.  I still eat sweet things in the morning, but other than that, I find it’s pretty much back to how things used to be before I had a kid in there.  Of course, without the sushi and wine and tuna, so maybe just sub-par for my palate prior to pregnancy (hello alliteration!)
Anything making you queasy or sick? I still have no desire to eat eggs and I was a huge proponent of peanut butter for a second there and would’ve slathered it on anything, but it’s taken to giving me quite the bout of heartburn as of late, so needless to say, I’ve been sans peanut butter. :(
Gender Prediction: Who knows- according to my weird dreams my subconscious thinks that for sure it’s a girl, but it will in fact, actually be a boy?!
Labor Signs: Some braxton hicks this past week.  I was sitting at my desk and concentrating thoroughly on the IEP to be written before me when out of the blue (clearly I wasn’t thinking clearly) I thought...I’m for sure going to get my period cramps, and then it hit me- that’s not possible Lauren; you’re having braxton hicks!
Symptoms: Nope!
Belly button in or out? In- still hanging on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  I can’t believe we are 2/3rds of the way through!  I’m sad that it’s almost over and thinking that there’s only 13 1/2 weeks left puts me into a tailspin!  AHHH! There’s so much to be done and I’m not near ready, but who am I kidding, no one is really ready eh?
Looking forward to: I’m getting excited about touring the hospital and I’m really excited about my family coming in!  I haven’t seen the parents since before Thanksgiving, so it’s been a long time coming!  I’m also really looking forward to having a baby shower and seeing what my beautiful sister-in-laws come up with (they’re always super creative)!!!  

NOW FOR SOME NURSERY UPDATES!  **Big thanks to my wonderful husband for staining the changing table and helping out with the daunting task of putting up the tree.**