Sunday, January 27, 2013

24 Weeks!!

How far along? 24 weeks 4 days
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yep and loving it!  Leggings have become my new best friend and if I could, I would wear them everyday!  
Stretch Marks: Not yet, however when I get up in the morning I inspect every little wrinkle and mistake the bed-lines with stretch marks and have a freak out moment everyday- it never fails!  Paul thinks I'm nuts.  Needless to say, I slather myself with belly spackle.
Sleep: Pretty good- it's hit or miss really.  I've been having vivid dreams about sea creatures as of late.  Two nights in a row, I've dreamt about a killer whale that gets beached and Paul and I have to take turns trying to get it out to sea in our sailboat!  Someone interpret that dream for me please! :)
Best moment of this week: Hmmm, having this past Monday off and Paul finally finishing the kitchen floors! YAY! Oh, and of course finally registering!  I have to say it was fun perusing the aisles and looking at all the cute stuff!  
Miss Anything? At times I miss how comfortable I used to be; I've been having some backaches and sore feet at the end of a long day on my feet teaching, but other than that, no, not really.
Movement: Yep still tossing and turning!  Lots of movement down low typically.  Sometimes when this kid starts up, I can watch my belly move and it's downright alien like!
Food Craving: Sweets, pizza, candy specifically.  Not so much chocolate, but I could eat a whole bag of gummy bears (who am I kidding, I have eaten a whole bag of gummy bears- this past week I believe).
Anything making you queasy or sick? Overeating is not been a dear friend of mine recently.  If I don't eat when I'm just getting hungry and wait too long, I have a tendency to overeat and ugh I feel disgusting afterwards!  I have this visual of my stomach shoved right under my boobs and it's not a pleasant feeling.
Gender Prediction: So when I'm planning the nursery and envisioning baby I picture a girl, but when I'm being practical and when I registered I did so with a boy in mind.  Who knows, maybe it'll be a litter of kittens instead and this all will have been for naught!  
Labor Signs: None to report, but over these past couple of weeks if I've been walking in the hallway at a beat or multi-tasking like a crazy woman, I get these intense round ligament pains- enough to make me pause and take a time out!
Symptoms: None to report.
Belly button in or out? In, but I would say I've got one more week tops until it's flat like a pancake!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Paul found out this past week or so ago that he got into law school!  So, we're packing up and moving out.  We've got a lot more on our plates now other than having a baby, so often times the overwhelming feeling of how am I going to be able to do this takes over, but I will say it only sticks around for about 5 minutes or so.  One day at a time eh?
Looking forward to: Selling this house and finding a wonderful new home for Sofia where they'll love and adore her as much as we do, as much as it pains me to say.  Once those two things are checked off my mental list I can concentrate all my efforts on having this kiddo!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year and Past the Half-Way Point!

How far along? 21 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yea!  Over the break I had to hit up Walmart for some super comfy sweatpants; they’re huge and warm and I love them!  The belly is growing for sure, but I seem to be growing out rather than growing wider, so I can’t complain about that!
Stretch Marks: Not so far, but I’ve been lotioning and oiling (notice my sandlot reference), so hopefully that’ll keep those dang stretch marks at bay.
Sleep: Pretty good still; think I may need to invest in a better support pillow for my neck, but other than that no complaints.  My dreams however have been creepy and sometimes down right scary...I hear that’s normal?
Best moment of this week: The sonogram!  Finally after waiting 21 weeks, we go to see that little booger on the big screen.  He/she wasn’t kicking up a storm like he/she usually is, but we were so thankful to see that everything looked normal and healthy.  We definitely said a big “thank you” to The Lord!Miss Anything? Honestly, no.  I’ve gotten over the whole can’t have a glass of wine thing and I’m quite enjoying pregnancy at this current interval.
Movement: Yes!!!  Oh my sweet bananas can this kid move.  I would say every two hours or so I feel a swift kick to the gut.  Right around 9/9:30 at night that little one is doing gymnastics in there I swear!  I love it though and I can’t stop giggling throughout; I look forward to that time every night now!
Food Craving: Still sweets!  Today I couldn’t help but notice that we were right next to Culver’s and wouldn’t you know I had to stop in for a sundae.  I will say that I haven’t indulged myself too much, but if the opportunity arrises I’m not going to to turn it down!  The other thing lately that has popped back up in my craving vault has been burgers, and pizza.  Either always sounds good in the afternoon or evening.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Ehhh, I haven’t ventured near eggs, but they still sound nasty.  Oh and lemon pepper chicken gag!
Gender Prediction: I have to admit that I’m now almost fully convinced it’s a boy.  We didn’t look at the sonogram today, but the tech said that she saw several times the gender of the baby.  Perhaps I’m reading into that, but for whatever reason both Paul and I think it’s a boy, however my cravings would indicate a girl (old wives tale).
Labor Signs: Nope, although sometimes I do feel quite a bit of pressure, but I think that’s normal.
Symptoms: None to report.
Belly button in or out? In, but Paul made note that it was slowly dwindling.  Makes it a whole lot easier to clean hehe j/k no lint here!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! A bit anxious sometimes when I think that this is already half-way over and I still see so much left to do ahead of us.  Sigh...all in good time I guess eh?
Looking forward to: Registering and not having to think about it anymore.  Also looking forward to finishing these dang floors that we’ve been working on for a couple of years now and focusing all of our efforts on completing the nursery!