How far along? 14 weeks 4 days
Total Weight Gain: 2 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: funny story- so in the morning when I'm getting dressed, I can button up my pants and am good to go, but as the day wears on I'm more and more uncomfortable and have this bloated feeling, so long story short, yes- just starting to wear stretchy pants...
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: This has been the trial of the past two weeks...I am a stomach sleeper by nature, however that's not really working out to well as of late. At least one time per night for the past two weeks, I have gone into my crocodile like death roll and unfortunately take my husband down with one or two swift elbows to the jaw or head. It has not been a pretty sight, so in an effort to take the UFC out of the bedroom, we have decided to get a king size mattress (angels are singing and the heavens are parting)! ETA for this glorious new heaven-like addition to our family- sometime this week!
Best moment of this week: Jackpot birdhouse finds at McKinney Trades Days this weekend (giant flea market). Let the nursery obsession begin- who are we kidding- we're in at least stage 5 of nursery obsession!
Miss Anything? This week- wine, cocktails, champagne. I'm not a huge drinker, but with the friendly get togethers this past week, I've been longingly staring and drooling over friend's nectar of the gods **sigh**
Movement: nothing yet, hoping in the next couple of weeks.
Food Craving: I'm all over the map- red meat, candy, potato chips. It's really putting a damper on my old wives tales, certainly no hints about the gender with those kind of cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really
Gender: No idea
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: None, in fact when I visited the doctor last week she asked me about my symptoms and I really didn't have any to report; she was floored and ensured me I was not in the statistical bell curve with that one.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Ready for the holidays this year more than ever!
Looking forward to: Getting past the pudgy stage...ready to start seeing this kid grow and feeling the kicks :)
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From Right to Left: Jon and Emily Abbott's, Mom and Dad Abbott and lastly our own birdhouse to our sweet baby! |
My parents and brother and sister-in-law came in this past weekend for our early Thanksgiving celebration! I loved, loved, loved seeing them and hanging out together. While they were here I put them to work on making their mark, literally, on the nursery. We're doing a rustic tree/bird theme and in my hunt for all things nursery, I stumbled across this amazing birdhouse kit! They did a wonderful job putting their birdhouses together and putting their signature style on their respective house. The last and most personal touch is their message to the baby on the bottom. Our original thought was to pass these down to our kids and have them become an heirloom of sorts; hopefully our kids love that idea as much as we do! Can't wait to start putting the room together to share with you all!